We did a little survey about our friends thought of global warming which recently become the headline for the year. Why do we choose this topic for the survey? Because it’s really important for us to know how to save our sacred planet which we are certain that it is never going to get older. Obviously, if we don’t do something from now on, how do we expect things to change?
So, here’s for the survey:
20 out of 20 people said that they are concern of global warming. They know and believe that global warming is happening and I not only a myth. This means that our friends are aware of global warming. But, 20 is not enough. Thus we have to work harder to spread the news! 50% of our friends said they are often do some eco-friendly activities in order to save our planet. The examples are: biking, turning off the electricity when not needed, etc. the most effective ways to grab people attention to do something about environment is via discussion or seminar. Because with discussion, we can change our thoughts and opinions. We can expand our knowledge, even we own meet some new friends! That is why, 40% of the correspondents choose discussion. Unfortunately, 30% of our correspondents don’t think that our blog is helpful to spread the global warming issue. Which is actually make us quite sad. However, this will not bring us down. This will increase our spirit to make our blog better
So, that’s the survey about what our friend opinions about global warming. Maybe we will make some survey like this another time. Anyway, what do you think about our blog? Share your comment on the comment box ok? For a better future and nature!
cmon guys, left your comment here. your opinions about how to improve this blog is really important to us :D -arsa