Tuesday, April 26, 2011


hey readers! how's it going? I hope you all a very good day.
I'd like to share and tell a short story. As you might all know already, our blog is about nature, thus I'll tell you a nature themed story. I hope this story will wake you up and you'll realize there's still many souls out there waiting for us to give them a helping hand. I hope, after reading this story you will realize that our earth is in danger.
So here it is, are ye ready?

Field O’ Daisies: The Drought

April 24 2050
"mommmm, would you pleaseee tell me a bed time story? I'd like to hear one, mom... pretty much pleaseeee, with cherries on top?"
"hahaha, all right all right Kira. I'll tell you a good one. Now listen carefully..."

Once upon a long time ago there was a pleasant field of daisies.  They bothered no one and were bothered by no one.  They enjoyed their peaceful life.

They were often visited by their close friends the butterflies.  Together they would play, laugh and even cry.  The daisies were a little jealous of the butterflies because the butterflies could fly around and see more of the world, while the daisies were stuck in one place.  The butterflies would tell great stories of the world beyond the field.

One season something terrible happened.  It was during summer, where the days are long and sunny, which the daisies loved.  However, there was starting to be an increase in long sunny days, and a decrease in rainy days.  The daisies were starting to get thirsty, but werent too worried about it.  Little did they know, but a drought was coming. 

There was one daisy that everyone called Grandpa Daisy.  He had been around for many seasons and it was way past time for him to wither and die.  Everyone knew that he had slipped into senility some time ago.  He was always mumbling stuff to himself.

One day a pretty, young butterfly named Danya flew in with terrible news.

“Guess what guys!”

 The daisies all turned to her, startled.

            “I was just flying through the woods a few breezes ago and I heard something awful!”  A breeze is the butterflies way of keeping time.

            The head daisy, Elor, spoke up.

            “What is it?”

            “Well, the trees are saying that a drought is upon us and that other fields to the south have already started dying!”  Danya flew around in panicked circles.

            “What?  A drought?  But droughts are only made up stories that are told around campfires.  They never really happen.”

            “But..but.really?  The trees are so wise though, theyve lived many more seasons than we have.”

            “True.  Are you sure they were serious about the drought and not just starting rumors?”

            “Well, Im pretty sure they were serious.  But I guess I could go back and ask them again.”

            “Yeah, that would probably be the best thing to do right now.  We dont want a panic to break out among the daisies over something thats not true.  Weve been through dry times before.”

            Suddenly, before Danya could fly away, an aged voice came from the back of the group.

            “The trees dont lie.  There is a drought coming and there is little that can be done about it.  Many a soul will not see the next season.”

            “What?  Who said that?” asked Elor.

            “I did,” said a certain daisy, straightening himself up.  It was Grandpa Daisy.

            “Grandpa?  Ha, you scared me there for a second.”  The group started to laugh, helping ease their nerves.

            “Im not joking.  You people think Im out of my mind and dont know what Im saying, but Ive survived a drought before and I know that we’re about to face another one.”

            “You?  When did you ever experience a drought?”

            “Many seasons before any of you were around,” Grandpa coughed and cleared his throat, “It was very hard, only a few of us survived.  Be warned, there is no mercy during a drought.”

            By this time the whole group was scared and making funeral preparations.  Danya was flying in circles fast enough to make the daisies dizzy.  Say that ten times fast.  Elor tried to calm everyone down.

            “Please stay calm, folks!  We must think this through!” But no one was listening.  Everyone was trying to figure out how to get away from the field and find some water.  Elor turned to Danya.

            “Danya, stop flying in circles.  Now, go into the woods and see if the trees know of anything we can do to help us prepare for the drought.”

            “Ok!” Danya fluttered off into the woods.  Once reaching the woods she started yelling at the trees for help.  Meanwhile, back at the ranch..

            The daisies were clustering around Grandpa Daisy, seeking advice.  But all he wanted to do was tell stories of his childhood, which didnt help at all.  Eventually the daisies got tired of him and he was left to talk to himself, as usual. 

            Danya didnt return the rest of the day, and for some reason the sun seemed a little hotter the day a little longer than usual.  The night proved to be very restless for the poor field of daisies.

            The next day Danya returned with a few of her friends and little bad news.

            “The trees said theres nothing they can do about the drought.  Theyre storing water in their roots and keeping it for themselves.  They expect to lose a few trees before this is all over too.”

             "Oh no. So, this is really happening. Were facing the drought. Grandpa daisy was right all along. What should we do?"

"mom, please. I want a real bed time story. Not like this. I mean, I dont even know what a daisy is. Is that a fruit?"

"Kira, no. Daisies are not fruits. They're flowers, the beautiful ones. See, when I was at your age, it blooms everywhere around the park. But since the drought, I think most of them extinct"

"so the drought really happened? but but why?"

"because of the global warming, Kira. Quick fact; 37% of droughts are caused by global warming. but, anyways, I will tell you more by tomorrow morning, okay sweet heart? you have to go to sleep now. It's already 9.30 PM now."

"aaaaaw, mommyyy but I want to heaaaaar"

"tomorrow, Kira. I promise. now, off you go to sleep!"

"OK, love you mom"

moral of the story: in this story, the species which apparently is going to be extinct is daisy. of course, this is a fictional story. but imagine, if the climate is not getting better, what kind of other species that is going to be extinct? banana? so, if you still want to eat banana 50 years from now, turn off that light, reuse that plastic bag, and love this one and only one mother earth.
P.S: LOL. that "banana is going to be extinct" was only a joke, all right? ;p

written by Kartika Dwi Baswara
now, hush hush, go back to sleep...

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