Tuesday, April 19, 2011

do you know something about anti pollutan plant?

I think anyone in would agree about this: Jakarta is full of vehicles. And as the result, traffic jam is not a rare thing here. Beside of reducing time effectiveness, the gas from the vehicles also pollutes the air, which make the temperature here, in Jakarta, sometimes is really hot. But do you know? There are some plants who can absorb the pollution and cleaning the air around them. Curious aren’t you? Here they are:

-          Sansevieria (Sansevieria trifasciata P)
Sansevieria, often called as Snake Plant or Lidah Mertua (mother’s-in law-tongue) has the ability to absorb about 107 pollutants in traffic jammed road or the room full by smoke gas. There are more the 100 species of Sansevieria in Indonesia which commonly comes from Africa, but there is one species that originally grow here in Pulau Seribu, Sansevieria javanica.
In every leaf blade Sansevieria has pregnane glycoside, substance that able to decompose another toxic substances in the air into glucose, amino acid, and organic substances. The example of toxics is carbon dioxide, benzene, formaldehyde, chloroform, etc.
In the room, this plant can reduce the sick building syndrome, a syndrome because of high carbon dioxide concentration, nicotine from tobacco, and the effect of too long at using the air conditioner. An adult snake plant with 4 or 5 leaf can refresh the air in 20m2 room.

-          Devil’s Ivy (Epipremnum aureu)
This vine-plant with green-yellow leaf can absorb 53% of total benzene 0.156 ppm/day, 67% of total 18 ppm formaldehyde and 75% of total 113 ppm Carbon Monoxide. 

-          Samanea Saman
Also call rain tree, or trembesi in Indonesia. This tree comes from south America and grom naturally in tropical climate. The tree can grow up to 25-30 meters high, so it’s a perfect choice to plant them at city parks. This tree also has the ability to absorb 28,5 tons carbon dioxide each year, compare it to the other plants which only absorb 1 ton carbon dioxide in 20 years. But it’s not that simple to plant this tree. Beside that it needs big location, it also absorb much ground water, so it is feared to make groundwater drought. But as long as it is planted wisely, this tree has so benefits to be planted.

This plants are only 3 examples of the plant who absorbs pollution. There are much more plants who can do the same. Among them are the yellow palm (Chrysalindocarpus lutescens) the Paris lily (Cholorophyllum clevelandii), blanceng, or Chinese evergreen (Araceae), Aloe Vera.

Now, imagine if you plant these plants in your garden. Of course the air in your house will be more cleaner and fresh. Clean air makes your mind go clearly and of course it was healthy. So why don’t you try to plant these plants? After all, plants are super effective to fight the global warming. and there are nothing wrong with trying right? :D

Written By, Kasandika Ganiarsa

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