"If there's no garbages on the sidewalks, then lots of people will lose their job"
(the street cleaner or cleaning service -red)"Well not to be a hypocrite, I agreed with that because that's actually true. But, that is not right! Even though there are lots of unemployment here in Indonesia, but it can't be an excuse for people to do wrong, right? If we start to dispose garbage to the trashcan, then there will be nothing to be cleaned up on the sidewalks and lots of people could find better job than be a cleaning service. Moreover, it's not that hard to throw garbage into the trashcan. Even if there's no trashcan near the place you stand, you could put your garbages in your pocket and just keep them until you find a trashcan. It's really effortless, right?
Now, let's talk about what trash you dispose. Mostly there are two kind of trash cans. One for organic trash, and the other one for unorganic trash. But for me, and maybe for some others, it's quite hard to distinguish the organics and the others. So that, here's the example for the organic and the unorganic trashes,
Organic Trash : Recyclable trash, such as leafs, residual foods, papers, etc.
Unorganic Trash : undegradable trash, such as plastics, cans, residual mines, etc.Then, why we should distinguish garbages? It's to ease people for recycling the garbages. Because, you don't want your grandchildren living in the earth full of garbages, right? And that's supporting the 3R campaign namely Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
We've have discussed about Recycle, now live the rest, Reduce and Reuse. If we could recycle the organic trashes then we have to reduce the unorganic ones which we couldn't recycle. it's that simple, but the next question appeared is "how?". How to reduce the unorganic trashes? The answer is, reuse what you got. Let's start to the simplest thing like, start using your tumbler to bring mineral water than buy the mineral water in plastic bottle. Or you could bring your own canvass bag when you go for shopping than recieve plastic bags from the store.
Plastics, or the unorganic trashes, will not just fulfill our earth but it could pollute the air by the metane gas it produced. And yes, metane gas is dangerous for our body. Those are lots of causes, why we should stop producing plastic and start reusing what we already got. So, what are you waiting for? Let's start from NOW!
Then, besides we have to stop throwing the undegradable trashes, we also have to stop throwing away the useful energy. Inconceivable if the world is already running out of energy. So that, we have to reduce the energy we use. It becomes the most crucial, but also the easiest way to go green. Why is it become the easiest? Because even by using shower to bath is reducing energy. Or turning off the lights when you sleep is also reducing energy. So let's turn off the electricity while we're not using it, as our act to save our planet.
Written by,
Wimala Puspa Enggaringtyas
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